Ash Wednesday
26th February @ 19:00

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent – a time when we traditional reflect on the things that bind to world in a superficial way and seek to deepen our connection with God.

The best way of doing this is to be more conscious of the way we interact with the world, what we take for granted, and the acknowledge what we could do without. There are lots of similarities between the aims of the lenten discipline of fasting, and the aims of modern theories of mindfulness. Both aim not to make us withdraw into a place of thought and prayer, but rather see and comprehend more clearly that which is already about us.

Here at St James’s we mark lent by the celebration of Mass – that supper that provides a food that satisfies beyond physical hunger. We also distribute ashes as a reminder to us of our sinfulness and mortality – we remember that we were made from dust, and that is where our body returns.

This year we welcome the Rev’d Susan Wiggins to celebrate our liturgy. Mthr Sue is a priest at St Barts in Holland-On-Sea and has a long association with St James’s where she worshipped for many years.

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