Holy Week and Easter 2023
Holy Week and Easter are an important time in the life of our parish and we hope you can join us for some or all of the service that mark this celebration in our parish. We would particularly encourage you to make time on Good Friday to mark the Passion Read more…
Christmas 2022
We love Christmas in this Parish and we know you do to! Why not make us part of your Christmas tradition and join us over the festive season as we retell the wonderful story of Christ’s birth! Our service are always free and open to everyone – just turn up Read more…
VE Day at St James
As the nation found different ways to celebrate 75 years since victory in Europe was declared, we put together a small service of thanksgiving. The words of which were drawn from the service of thanksgiving held at St Margaret’s, Westminster, in the presence of the Prime Minister of the Day, Read more…
Online Worship Resources
Worship at Home The church may have suspended public services, but that does not mean it has stopped offering worship. The daily round of morning and evening prayer, and the mass, continue to be offered on behalf of all the people of God at the parish church. Our euchristic service Read more…
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday26th February @ 19:00 Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent – a time when we traditional reflect on the things that bind to world in a superficial way and seek to deepen our connection with God. The best way of doing this is to be more conscious of Read more…
Christmas Services
Join us this Christmas to celebrate Jesus’ birth 22nd December 17:00 Carols by Candlelight St James’s, Tower Road Nothing could be better on a cold winters night, just before Christmas, than coming to our candlelight carol service. In the hushed darkness of the church, lit by twinkling candles we hear Read more…
All Souls, 2nd Nov 17:00
What better way is there to remember those that we have loved and have died than to pray for them and so recall the promises made to by Jesus that we would share in the eternal life of the father. Our Sung Mass for All Souls includes an opportunity to Read more…
Harvest Thanksgiving
4th October Fish and Chip Supper 6PM (booking essential) 6th October Mass and Harvest thanksgiving 10:30 AM Each year we set aside a Sunday to give thanks to God for all the good he gives us in our lives – not least the food we eat. This year, as food Read more…