Christmas 2022
We love Christmas in this Parish and we know you do to! Why not make us part of your Christmas tradition and join us over the festive season as we retell the wonderful story of Christ’s birth! Our service are always free and open to everyone – just turn up Read more…
Patronal Festival
Every year we gather to give thanks for the life of St James the Apostle and God’s work across our parish. Join us for a celebration this year as we give thanks in our Parish Mass and enjoy fellowship afterwards. All are welcome.
Celebrating Hallow’en
Hallow’en or All Hallows Eve is the beginning of a three day Christian festival comprising of All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls day. Collectively it is known as AllHallowsTide and is an important Christian festival that is about honouring and remembering the dead. It is characterised by Read more…
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
‘From this day forward all generations will call me blessed, for the Almighty has done great things for me’ The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which we celebrate on 15th August, is a feast which, for Anglicans, can be controversial. It could even be seen as a shibboleth – Read more…
Epiphany Chalk
A blessing on your house This Sunday we celebrate Epiphany in our parish. In accordance with church tradition, we will be blessing pieces of chalk for people to take away at the end of the service. The chalk is used to write a special formula on the lintels, doors or Read more…
Christmas Bazaar
Come join us at St James’s as we get out Advent and Christmas season underway with that, all essential, Christmas market. All our proceeds go towards supporting the church’s work in the local community.
St James’s Summer Fete
A day for all the family and the wider community here at St James’s. Lots of competitions to be had, and prizes to be won!
Thy Kingdom Come
A wave of prayer… In 2016 the Archbishops of Canterbury and York introduced resource for a prayer event to take place in the dates between Ascension and Pentecost. The success of this event spread beyond the borders of the Church of England into other denominations and across the globe. Find Read more…
Mothering Sunday
Sunday 31st March St James’s, Clacton-on-Sea @ 10:30 St Christopher’s, Jaywick @ 09:00 Mothering Sunday, Laetare Sunday, also known as Mother’s Day, is the fourth Sunday in Lent, exactly three weeks before Easter. It’s name stems from a tradition in western Europe of visiting your Mother Church (where you were Read more…