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APCM 2023

Many thanks to those who contributed towards our APCM reports this year, and also those who took time to attend our meeting at the end of May. It was a…

Evensong and Benediction – Corpus Christi

We are celebrating Corpus Christi on Sunday 11th June – why not join us? After such a successful round of evensongs, we are preparing something a little special for this…
Brigade Banner

Launching the CLCGB

We are really excited about the launch of our Church Lads’ and Church Girls’ Brigade here at St James’s. It has a been a long time since we have had…

Parish churches, like ours, receive no government or external support and rely entirely on your donations and generosity to maintain our presence and work. This link will allow you to make a secure online payment towards our work. Thank you for your support.

Mass/ Holy Communion/The Eucharist is routinely offered in this parish 7 times each week. Each one is offered for a particular purpose or intention. You are welcome to request a particular intention and can do so by making your request on this page.