Patronal Festival
Every year we gather to give thanks for the life of St James the Apostle and God’s work across our parish. Join us for a celebration this year as we give thanks in our Parish Mass and enjoy fellowship afterwards. Read more…
Every year we gather to give thanks for the life of St James the Apostle and God’s work across our parish. Join us for a celebration this year as we give thanks in our Parish Mass and enjoy fellowship afterwards. Read more…
A peace which passes all understanding It is received wisdom that when you take on a Church as a new vicar you should change as little as possible. When you do change anything it should be slowly and in agreement Read more…
Friends of Essex Churches Trust We announced the a few days ago that we had been successful in our approach to the Friends of Essex Churches Trust for repair works to St Christophers. The grant was a generous £7,500 and Read more…
When is this service? We run this service once a month at 4pm at our Church in Jaywick, St Christopher’s. It’s always on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Some of the upcoming dates are listed here: 18th Oct – Read more…
Hallow’en or All Hallows Eve is the beginning of a three day Christian festival comprising of All Hallows Eve, All Saints Day and All Souls day. Collectively it is known as AllHallowsTide and is an important Christian festival that is Read more…
Please take a look atet reports from the parish in anticipation of the APCM. Financial reports are available in the welcome area at St James’s for anyone who would like to scrutinise the accounts before the meeting. Click below to Read more…
‘From this day forward all generations will call me blessed, for the Almighty has done great things for me’ The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which we celebrate on 15th August, is a feast which, for Anglicans, can be Read more…
Essential adjective adjective: essential absolutely necessary; extremely important. During the current pandemic this word has appeared much more frequently in our papers, notices and news stories than would be usual. In our modern free thinking, moving and living society, the word Read more…
We are being called to live our faith in the way given to us by Jesus, the way of Death and Resurrection. Called in our own lives as we journey towards the judgement, we all face, but also in the Read more…
We all have our heroes: personal, historical, real and fiction. These are the people we set up as idols, to be respected, adored and imitated in the difficult decisions and hard times of our own lives. Sometimes these heroes are Read more…